
 Technical Translation
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Technical Translation

Technical Translation    


 Solutions for Global High-Tech Companies

The complex technical products prevalent in today's high-tech industry have unique translation requirements for document such as manuals, user guides, reference cards, fact sheets, and specification sheets, patent document. Huge volumes of technical text require advanced terminology management techniques and the latest in computer aided translation (CAT) tools.

Global Bowen has the tools and techniques to help you clearly communicate with the broadest group of users, wherever they may be. An intelligent combination of Translation Memory, Leverage, and Terminology Management improves consistency, quality, and speed of localization. Plus, our translators are technical experts in specific high technology areas.


Accurately terminology translation (creating a glossary) is first step to ensure translation quality.

How do you establish new terminology?

The new terminology is established based on standards of China National Technical Committee on Terminology for Standardization (CNTCTS), and complying with ISO/TC37.
For terminology that has not been released by CNTCTS, Global Bowen will consult related experts and submit it to CNTCTS for standardization reference.

How do you organize a terminology database?

Global Bowen terminology database is shorted by clients or organized by specialties, and it also serves as a on line browsing terminology database. Our terminology database has more than 7 million entries, and includes specialties of mechanism, IT, telecommunication, chemistry, power and energy, automobile, aero-techniques and space techniques, economics, medical science, etc, and as many as 20 specialties are included.

The database presents in several format: MS Excel, Translation Memory, Trados Multiterm, and online glossary based on client's requirement. 

How do you create a glossary?

For document translation:
1. Glossary will be created with the help of the tool SmartTerm developed by Global Bowen . SmartTerm can extract key words from document based on frequency of appearance and specified specialty terminology, it can also add, modify and merge glossary.
2. Manually adjust the term list by adding and deleting some terms; sort them in alphabetical order; location information (file name) are also included.
3. Search the keyword in all documents, and translate them based on terminology standard and Global Bowen terminology database, make sure translation are right at all locations they appear, If there are different meanings at different locations, translate them differently in the glossary accordingly.
4. Save as Excel format in an alphabetical order or convert the glossary into TMX format for the convenience of looking-up with Trados.
5. Deliver it to the client for confirmation.
6. Improve the glossary based on client's comments.
7. Covert into Multiterm if applicable.

For Software translation:

1. Extract all UI terms from resource files.
2. Sort these terms in alphabetical order.
3. Translate UI terms based on Operation System terminology database, Invite engineers who are using the relative modules or software to review the translations.
4. Edit translated UI terms by verifying them against the source software UI, and make sure all UI translations (menus, buttons and message dialog box) accurately deliver the meanings or operations of source UI terms.
5. Save as Excel or convert into TMX format.
6. Deliver to client for confirmation.
7. improve the glossary based on client's comments.
8. Convert into Multiterm and TM format if applicable .

We maintain terminology database based on different clients. For example, we have a printer glossary, but some terms used by HP may be different with Canon or EPSON due to localization history, these terms will be marked with client attribute to distinguish the difference.


Who do the translation?

Language evolves over time. But in technology marketplaces, language changes daily. That's why technical translation is challenge, the core of our translation process is that all translators eat, sleep, and breathe native language and culture they translate, further more, translators are technical experts who are familiar with what they are working on. 


Do you have translation style standard?

Yes. We developed the Global Bowen Localization Style and Format Standards based on our years experiences. It consists:

1. Language style guide for technical text, software on line help, UI, subject title, operation instruction, reference, and so on.
2. The style for sentence structure.
3. Usage of terminology.
4. Dedicated terms used for software localization.
5. Standard formats for copyright information, numbering, Date and time, measurement unit, and punctuation.
6. Convention for name translation (geography, people, company, product...)
7. Convention to keep English as it.
8. Layout formatting.
9. Punctuation.
10. TOC, Index, numbering, footnote, headnote, callouts.

Translation style should satisfy the favorite of end reader, the language style of technical document is neither same as the language style of user's guide for housewife, nor same as the language style of student materials. Translation is never just making understanding.

Formatting/Desktop Publishing (DTP) 

Do you have formatting/desktop publishing (DTP) standards?

Yes. We developed the Global Bowen Localization Style and Format Standards based on Chinese Publication Format Standard (GB).

Most of our clients would like to follow the format style; but some clients would like keep the same as source language format (or DTP layout). actually, most format style of source language is not complied to the Chinese layout standard, leaving two spaces at the beginning of each paragraph in Chinese document is just one example. 

Website Keywords: Chinese localization, Chinese translation service, Chinese typesetting, English into Chinese, simplified Chinese, software localization, traditional Chinese, translation into Chinese




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